Four Days Without a Mobile Phone : Army test center

Shahzaib Khan
4 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by lukas on

This Dangerous Place” took place in the middle of December, in the middle of the mountains; it is the story of six young boys who once which found them in a very strange position. They were in such a place as the army test center that had no connection with the real life and what made them more concerned was that the most important appliance they had with them, a mobile phone was missing. After that was a journey they wouldn’t forget for the rest of their lives wherein they had to struggle, learn to trust, and know what it is like to live a simple life.

Setting The facilities at which the test was conducted were a basic camp, situated in the center of which magnificent snowy capped mountains whose peaks touched the sky. The air was fresh and the smell of the Pinetrees was still all around us in the fresh air. The lack of mobile phones had one first strike in speaking er, which was strange, but soon it was a freedom. Since there were no screens in front of them they were able to revive the lost vocational of communication.

1. Days and Nights

The days seemed to go on for so long. Some of them were lucky to wake up at dawn, or rather by the sound of reveille, producing loud squeaking from their bunk beds. These were the words many of the pupils could have said after well-fare breakfast followed by tens and tests. Thus, physical strength, quick-wittedness, and team cooperation were at the spotlight. Of especial note here is the fact that there were no mobile notifications; thus, they could pay maximum attention to the tasks at hand. Nights were different. Sitting there in the shadow arm around the feeble light of the lantern, they narrated. Some mentioned philosophies, and some ‘wanted to tell stories of their youth and freedom, of games.’ There were giggles in the room, and people were bonding more than before. The sound of dropping rain on a tin roof thus acted as their natural remedy; they would cradle to sleep.

2.Friendships and Memories

That is why the strengthening of relationships occurred day after day. Both parties found things that they have in common, both in terms of things that they fear and even their personal narrations heard from the other side. Many of those relationships were but a memory, a contact that was lost in the infinity of space and time. While some changed within the confine of the test center, others went beyond that barrier. Such friends would always be companions of their life’s trip.

Photo by Mike Erskine on Unsplash

3. The Willpower Challenge

Patience and self control turned into their company. The obvious realization was that there were no mobile phones to entertain the workers during their spare time. Nevertheless, instead of continuing reading they opened books, played cards and created tracks on the VoIP. They then began to embrace silence – both the physical sense of no noise and what it brought to the pupils, free thinking.

4.The Rainy Days

The rain did not stop, however; steady, constant and a word I do not often use, comforting. It rained and rained, and it tapped on the roof and its sound merged to the sound of the beating of their hearts. They get close to each other staying warm and telling each other the occurrences. Mountains that rose high and level with the sky stood guard with the tips still veiled by fog. It was as if Mother Nature wanted them to really learn life’s lesson to be able to withstand storms in life.

Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash


And when the curtain was finally brought down on the four day test, the learners that walked out of the testing centre were entirely different creatures. Their mobile phones were waiting for them but more importantly, the bond that they made with each other was. The mountains had been there also to see them laugh, sweat, and even excel. And it is during the closing scenes that people are not only getting memories, but become better people, who value such things as uncomplicated life, companionship, and rain.

In a society rampant with screen dependency, these six boys learned the meaning of presence in another person’s life, whether or not they have their mobile phone handy.

